

kale.utils.download module

Data downloading and compressed data extraction functions, Based on https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/datasets/utils.py https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/hub.py

kale.utils.download.download_file_by_url(url, output_directory, output_file_name, file_format=None)

Download file/compressed file by url.

  • url (string) – URL of the object to download

  • output_directory (string, optional) – Full path where object will be saved Abosolute path recommended. Relative path also works.

  • output_file_name (string, optional) – File name which object will be saved as

  • file_format (string, optional) – File format For compressed file, support [“tar.xz”, “tar”, “tar.gz”, “tgz”, “gz”, “zip”]

Example: (Grab the raw link from GitHub. Notice that using “raw” in the URL.)
>>> url = "https://github.com/pykale/data/raw/main/videos/video_test_data/ADL/annotations/labels_train_test/adl_P_04_train.pkl"
>>> download_file_by_url(url, "data", "a.pkl", "pkl")
>>> url = "https://github.com/pykale/data/raw/main/videos/video_test_data.zip"
>>> download_file_by_url(url, "data", "video_test_data.zip", "zip")
kale.utils.download.download_file_gdrive(id, output_directory, output_file_name, file_format=None)

Download file/compressed file by Google Drive id.

  • id (string) – Google Drive file id of the object to download

  • output_directory (string, optional) – Full path where object will be saved Abosolute path recommended. Relative path also works.

  • output_file_name (string, optional) – File name which object will be saved as

  • file_format (string, optional) – File format For compressed file, support [“tar.xz”, “tar”, “tar.gz”, “tgz”, “gz”, “zip”]


>>> gdrive_id = "1U4D23R8u8MJX9KVKb92bZZX-tbpKWtga"
>>> download_file_gdrive(gdrive_id, "data", "demo_datasets.zip", "zip")
>>> gdrive_id = "1SV7fmAnWj-6AU9X5BGOrvGMoh2Gu9Nih"
>>> download_file_gdrive(gdrive_id, "data", "dummy_data.csv", "csv")

kale.utils.logger module

Logging functions, based on https://github.com/HaozhiQi/ISONet/blob/master/isonet/utils/logger.py


Creates an output file name concatenating a formatted date and uuid, but without an extension.


A string to be used in a file name.

Return type


kale.utils.logger.construct_logger(name, save_dir)

Constructs a logger. Saves the output as a text file at a specified path. Also saves the output of git diff HEAD to the same folder.

Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html

  • name (str) – the logger name, typically the method name

  • save_dir (str) – the path to save the log file (.txt)

kale.utils.print module

Screen printing functions, from https://github.com/HaozhiQi/ISONet/blob/master/isonet/utils/misc.py


Temporarily prints things on the screen so that it won’t be flooded


Permanently prints things on the screen to have all info displayed


Permanently prints things on the screen, separated by space rather than newline

kale.utils.seed module

Setting seed for reproducibility


Sets the seed for generating random numbers to get (as) reproducible (as possible) results.

The CuDNN options are set according to the official PyTorch guidance on reproducibility: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/randomness.html. Another references are https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/difference-between-torch-manual-seed-and-torch-cuda-manual-seed/13848/6 https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/cuda.html#torch.cuda.manual_seed https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/utils.py#L58


seed (int, optional) – The desired seed. Defaults to 1000.

Module contents