

kale.predict.class_domain_nets module

Classification of data or domain

Modules for typical classification tasks (into class labels) and adversarial discrimination of source vs target domains, from

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.SoftmaxNet(input_dim=15, n_classes=2, name='c', hidden=(), activation_fn=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, **activation_args)

Bases: Module

Regular and domain classifier network for regular-size images

  • input_dim (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector.. Defaults to 15.

  • n_classes (int, optional) – the number of classes. Defaults to 2.

  • name (str, optional) – the classifier name. Defaults to “c”.

  • hidden (tuple, optional) – the hidden layer sizes. Defaults to ().

  • activation_fn ([type], optional) – the activation function. Defaults to nn.ReLU.

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.ClassNet(n_class=10, input_shape=(-1, 64, 8, 8))

Bases: Module

Simple classification prediction-head block to plug ontop of the 4D output of a CNN.

  • n_class (int, optional) – the number of different classes that can be predicted. Defaults to 10.

  • input_shape (tuples, optional) – the shape that input to this head will have. Expected to be (batch_size, channels, height, width). Defaults to (-1, 64, 8, 8).

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.ClassNetSmallImage(input_size=128, n_class=10)

Bases: Module

Regular classifier network for small-size images

  • input_size (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector. Defaults to 128.

  • n_class (int, optional) – the number of classes. Defaults to 10.

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.DomainNetSmallImage(input_size=128, bigger_discrim=False)

Bases: Module

Domain classifier network for small-size images

  • input_size (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector. Defaults to 128.

  • bigger_discrim (bool, optional) – whether to use deeper network. Defaults to False.

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.ClassNetVideo(input_size=512, n_channel=100, dropout_keep_prob=0.5, n_class=8)

Bases: Module

Regular classifier network for video input.

  • input_size (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector. Defaults to 512.

  • n_channel (int, optional) – the number of channel for Linear and BN layers.

  • dropout_keep_prob (int, optional) – the dropout probability for keeping the parameters.

  • n_class (int, optional) – the number of classes. Defaults to 8.

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.ClassNetVideoConv(input_size=1024, n_class=8)

Bases: Module

Classifier network for video input refer to MMSADA.

  • input_size (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector. Defaults to 1024.

  • n_class (int, optional) – the number of classes. Defaults to 8.


Munro Jonathan, and Dima Damen. “Multi-modal domain adaptation for fine-grained action recognition.” In CVPR, pp. 122-132. 2020.

class kale.predict.class_domain_nets.DomainNetVideo(input_size=128, n_channel=100)

Bases: Module

Regular domain classifier network for video input.

  • input_size (int, optional) – the dimension of the final feature vector. Defaults to 512.

  • n_channel (int, optional) – the number of channel for Linear and BN layers.


kale.predict.decode module

Provides implementations of various decoders based on neural network modules for prediction and classification tasks. Refer to the PyTorch documentation for the accompanying tutorial on neural network modules:

class kale.predict.decode.MLPDecoder(in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim, dropout_rate=0.1, include_decoder_layers=False)

Bases: Module

A generalized MLP model that can act as either a 2-layer MLPDecoder or a 4-layer MLPDecoder based on the include_decoder_layers parameter.

  • in_dim (int) – the dimension of input feature.

  • hidden_dim (int) – the dimension of hidden layers.

  • out_dim (int) – the dimension of output layer.

  • dropout_rate (float) – the dropout rate during training.

  • include_decoder_layers (bool) – whether or not to include the additional layers that are part of the MLPDecoder

class kale.predict.decode.DistMultDecoder(in_channels: int, num_edge_type: int)

Bases: Module

Build DistMult factorization as GripNet decoder in PoSE dataset. Copy-paste with slight modifications from

  • in_channels (int) – the dimension of input feature.

  • num_edge_type (int) – the number of edge types.

forward(x, edge_index: Tensor, edge_type: Tensor, sigmoid: bool = True) Tensor
  • x – the input node feature embeddings.

  • edge_index – the edge index in COO format with shape [2, num_edges].

  • edge_type – the one-dimensional relation type/index for each target edge in edge_index.

  • sigmoid – whether to use sigmoid function or not.

class kale.predict.decode.GripNetLinkPrediction(supergraph: SuperGraph, learning_rate: float, epsilon: float = 1e-13)

Bases: LightningModule

Build GripNet-DistMult (encoder-decoder) model for link prediction.

  • supergraph (SuperGraph) – the input supergraph.

  • learning_rate (float) – the learning rate for training.

  • epsilon (float, optional) – a small number in loss function to improve numerical stability. Defaults to 1e-13.

forward(edge_index: Tensor, edge_type: Tensor, edge_type_range: Tensor) Tuple
training_step(batch, batch_idx)
validation_step(batch, batch_idx)
test_step(batch, batch_idx)
class kale.predict.decode.LinearClassifier(in_dim: int, out_dim: int, bias: bool = True)

Bases: Module

Build a linear transformation module.

  • in_dim (int) – Size of each input sample.

  • out_dim (int) – Size of each output sample.

  • bias (bool, optional) – If set to False, the layer will not learn an additive bias. (default: True)

reset_parameters() None

Initialize the parameters of the model.

forward(x: Tensor) Tensor
class kale.predict.decode.VCDN(num_modalities: int, num_classes: int, hidden_dim: int)

Bases: Module

The View Correlation Discovery Network (VCDN) to learn the higher-level intra-view and cross-view correlations in the label space, implemented according to the method described in ‘MOGONET integrates multi-omics data using graph convolutional networks allowing patient classification and biomarker identification’ - Wang, T., Shao, W., Huang, Z., Tang, H., Zhang, J., Ding, Z., Huang, K. (2021).

  • num_modalities (int) – The total number of modalities in the dataset.

  • num_classes (int) – The total number of classes in the dataset.

  • hidden_dim (int) – Size of the hidden layer.

reset_parameters() None

Initialize the parameters of the model.

forward(multimodal_input: List[Tensor]) Tensor

kale.predict.isonet module

The ISONet module, which is based on the ResNet module, from (based on


Retrieves the transformation function by name.

class kale.predict.isonet.SReLU(nc)

Bases: Module

Shifted ReLU

class kale.predict.isonet.ResHead(w_in, net_params)

Bases: Module

ResNet head.

class kale.predict.isonet.BasicTransform(w_in, w_out, stride, has_bn, use_srelu, w_b=None, num_gs=1)

Bases: Module

Basic transformation: 3x3, 3x3

class kale.predict.isonet.BottleneckTransform(w_in, w_out, stride, has_bn, use_srelu, w_b, num_gs)

Bases: Module

Bottleneck transformation: 1x1, 3x3, 1x1, only for very deep networks

class kale.predict.isonet.ResBlock(w_in, w_out, stride, trans_fun, has_bn, has_st, use_srelu, w_b=None, num_gs=1)

Bases: Module

Residual block: x + F(x)

class kale.predict.isonet.ResStage(w_in, w_out, stride, net_params, d, w_b=None, num_gs=1)

Bases: Module

Stage of ResNet.

class kale.predict.isonet.ResStem(w_in, w_out, net_params, kernelsize=3, stride=1, padding=1, use_maxpool=False, poolksize=3, poolstride=2, poolpadding=1)

Bases: Module

Stem of ResNet.

class kale.predict.isonet.ISONet(net_params)

Bases: Module

ISONet, a modified ResNet model.


regularizes the convolution kernel to be (near) orthogonal during training. This is called in Trainer.loss of the isonet example.

ortho_conv(m, device)

regularizes the convolution kernel to be (near) orthogonal during training.


m (nn.module]) – [description]

kale.predict.losses module

Commonly used losses, from domain adaptation package

kale.predict.losses.cross_entropy_logits(output, target, weights=None)

Computes cross entropy with logits

  • output (Tensor) – The output of the last layer of the network, before softmax.

  • target (Tensor) – The ground truth label.

  • weights (Tensor, optional) – The weight of each sample. Defaults to None.


See DANN, WDGRL, and MMD trainers in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter

kale.predict.losses.topk_accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,))

Computes the top-k accuracy for the specified values of k.

  • output (Tensor) – output (Tensor): The output of the last layer of the network, before softmax. Shape: (batch_size, class_count).

  • target (Tensor) – The ground truth label. Shape: (batch_size)

  • topk (tuple(int)) – Compute accuracy at top-k for the values of k specified in this parameter.


A list of tensors of the same length as topk. Each tensor consists of boolean variables to show if this prediction ranks top k with each value of k. True means the prediction ranks top k and False means not. The shape of tensor is batch_size, i.e. the number of predictions.

Return type:



>>> output = torch.tensor(([0.3, 0.2, 0.1], [0.3, 0.2, 0.1]))
>>> target = torch.tensor((0, 1))
>>> top1, top2 = topk_accuracy(output, target, topk=(1, 2)) # get the boolean value
>>> top1_value = top1.double().mean() # get the top 1 accuracy score
>>> top2_value = top2.double().mean() # get the top 2 accuracy score
kale.predict.losses.multitask_topk_accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,))

Computes the top-k accuracy for the specified values of k for multitask input.

  • output (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of generated predictions. Each tensor is of shape [batch_size, class_count], class_count can vary per task basis, i.e. outputs[i].shape[1] can differ from outputs[j].shape[1].

  • target (tuple(Tensor)) – A tuple of ground truth. Each tensor is of shape [batch_size]

  • topk (tuple(int)) – Compute accuracy at top-k for the values of k specified in this parameter.


A list of tensors of the same length as topk. Each tensor consists of boolean variables to show if predictions of multitask ranks top k with each value of k. True means predictions of this output for all tasks ranks top k and False means not. The shape of tensor is batch_size, i.e. the number of predictions.


>>> first_output = torch.tensor(([0.3, 0.2, 0.1], [0.3, 0.2, 0.1]))
>>> first_target = torch.tensor((0, 2))
>>> second_output = torch.tensor(([0.2, 0.1], [0.2, 0.1]))
>>> second_target = torch.tensor((0, 1))
>>> output = (first_output, second_output)
>>> target = (first_target, second_target)
>>> top1, top2 = multitask_topk_accuracy(output, target, topk=(1, 2)) # get the boolean value
>>> top1_value = top1.double().mean() # get the top 1 accuracy score
>>> top2_value = top2.double().mean() # get the top 2 accuracy score

Return type:



Computes entropy logits in CDAN with entropy conditioning (CDAN+E)


See CDANTrainer in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter


Computes entropy logits loss in semi-supervised or few-shot domain adaptation


See FewShotDANNTrainer in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter

kale.predict.losses.gradient_penalty(critic, h_s, h_t)

Computes gradient penalty in Wasserstein distance guided representation learning


See WDGRLTrainer and WDGRLTrainerMod in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter

kale.predict.losses.gaussian_kernel(source, target, kernel_mul=2.0, kernel_num=5, fix_sigma=None)

Code from XLearn: computes the full kernel matrix, which is less than optimal since we don’t use all of it with the linear MMD estimate.


See DANTrainer and JANTrainer in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter

kale.predict.losses.compute_mmd_loss(kernel_values, batch_size)

Computes the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) between domains.


See DANTrainer and JANTrainer in kale.pipeline.domain_adapter

kale.predict.losses.hsic(kx, ky, device)

Perform independent test with Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) between two sets of variables x and y.

  • kx (2-D tensor) – kernel matrix of x, shape (n_samples, n_samples)

  • ky (2-D tensor) – kernel matrix of y, shape (n_samples, n_samples)

  • device (torch.device) – the desired device of returned tensor


Independent test score >= 0

Return type:


[1] Gretton, Arthur, Bousquet, Olivier, Smola, Alex, and Schölkopf, Bernhard. Measuring Statistical Dependence

with Hilbert-Schmidt Norms. In Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), pp. 63–77. 2005.

[2] Gretton, Arthur, Fukumizu, Kenji, Teo, Choon H., Song, Le, Schölkopf, Bernhard, and Smola, Alex J. A Kernel

Statistical Test of Independence. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 585–592. 2008.

kale.predict.losses.euclidean(x1, x2)

Compute the Euclidean distance

  • x1 (torch.Tensor) – variables set 1

  • x2 (torch.Tensor) – variables set 2


Euclidean distance

Return type:



Authors: Lawrence Schobs, Module from the implementation of L. A. Schobs, A. J. Swift and H. Lu, “Uncertainty Estimation for Heatmap-Based Landmark Localization,” in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1021-1034, April 2023, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3222730.

Functions to predict uncertainty quantiles from the quantile binning method. Includes:
  1. Binning Predictions: quantile_binning_predictions

kale.predict.uncertainty_binning.quantile_binning_predictions(uncertainties_test: Dict[str, int | float], uncert_thresh: List[List[float]], save_pred_path: str | None = None) Dict[str, int]

Bin predictions based on quantile thresholds.

  • uncertainties_test (Dict) – A dictionary of uncertainties with string ids and float/int uncertainty values.

  • uncert_thresh (List[List[float]]) – A list of quantile thresholds to determine binning.

  • save_pred_path (str, optional) – A path preamble to save predicted bins to.


A dictionary of predicted quantile bins with string ids as keys and integer bin values as values.

Return type:


Module contents