
For interactive tutorials, see Jupyter Notebook tutorials.

Usage of Pipeline-based API in Examples

The kale API has a unique pipeline-based API design. Each example typically has three essential modules (main.py, config.py, model.py), one optional directory (configs), and possibly other modules (trainer.py):

  • main.py is the main module to be run, showing the main workflow.

  • config.py is the configuration module that sets up the data, prediction problem, and hyper-parameters, etc. The settings in this module is the default configuration.

    • configs is the directory to place customized configurations for individual runs. We use .yaml files for this purpose.

  • model.py is the model module to define the machine learning model and configure its training parameters.

    • trainer.py is the trainer module to define the training and testing workflow. This module is only needed when NOT using PyTorch Lightning.

Next, we explain the usage of the pipeline-based API in the modules above, mainly using the domain adaptation for digits classification example.

  • The kale.pipeline module provides mature, off-the-shelf machine learning pipelines for plug-in usage, e.g. import kale.pipeline.domain_adapter as domain_adapter in digits_dann’s model module.

  • The kale.utils module provides common utility functions, such as from kale.utils.seed import set_seed in digits_dann’s main module.

  • The kale.loaddata module provides the input to the machine learning system, such asfrom kale.loaddata.image_access import DigitDatase in digits_dann’s main module.

  • The kale.prepdata module provides pre-processing functions to transform the raw input data into a suitable form for machine learning, such as import kale.prepdata.image_transform as image_transform in kale.loaddata.image_access used in digits_dann’s main module for image data augmentation.

  • The kale.embed module provides embedding functions (the encoder) to learn suitable representations from the (pre-processed) input data, such as from kale.embed.image_cnn import SmallCNNFeature in digits_dann’s model module. This is a machine learning module.

  • The kale.predict module provides prediction functions (the decoder) to learn a mapping from the input representation to a target prediction, such as from kale.predict.class_domain_nets import ClassNetSmallImage in digits_dann’s model module. This is also a machine learning module.

  • The kale.evaluate module implements evaluation metrics not yet available, such as the Concordance Index (CI) for measuring the proportion of concordant pairs.

  • The kale.interpret module aims to provide functions for interpretation of the learned model or the prediction results, such as visualization. This module has no implementation yet.

Building New Modules or Projects

New modules/projects can be built following the steps below.

  • Step 1 - Examples: Choose one of the examples of your interest (e.g., most relevant to your project) to

    • browse through the configuration, main, and model modules

    • download the data if needed

    • run the example following instructions in the example’s README

  • Step 2a - New model: To develop new machine learning models under PyKale,

    • define the blocks in your pipeline to figure out what the methods are for data loading, pre-processing data, embedding (encoder/representation), prediction (decoder), evaluation, and interpretation (if needed)

    • modify existing pipelines with your customized blocks or build a new pipeline with PyKale blocks and blocks from other libraries

  • Step 2b - New applications: To develop new applications using PyKale,

    • clarify the input data and the prediction target to find matching functionalities in PyKale (request if not found)

    • tailor data loading, pre-processing, and evaluation (and interpretation if needed) to your application

The Scope of Support


PyKale currently supports graphs, images, and videos, using PyTorch Dataloaders wherever possible. Audios are not supported yet (welcome your contribution).

Machine learning models

PyKale supports modules from the following areas of machine learning

  • Deep learning: convolutional neural networks (CNNs), graph neural networks (GNNs) GNN including graph convolutional networks (GCNs), transformers

  • Transfer learning: domain adaptation

  • Multimodal learning: integration of heterogeneous data

  • Dimensionality reduction: multilinear subspace learning, such as multilinear principal component analysis (MPCA)

Example applications

PyKale includes example application from three areas below

  • Image/video recognition: imaging recognition with CIFAR10/100, digits (MNIST, USPS, SVHN), action videos (EPIC Kitchen)

  • Bioinformatics/graph analysis: link prediction problems in BindingDB and knowledge graphs

  • Medical imaging: cardiac MRI classification